
Public Domain Calculators

Below are the various flowcharts used by the public domain calculators in different jurisdictions. We currently enjoy over 30 completed flowcharts, which have been developed by various institutions around the world. If you would like to get involved in developing the flowchart for one the missing jurisdictions, please let us know.

# Generic

* The Generic Flowchart has been developed by the Institute of Information Law (IViR) and Kennisland. It can be downloaded at the [following address](http://outofcopyright.eu/research/Generic%20European.pdf) – in [yEd format](http://outofcopyright.eu/research/Generic%20European.graphmlz) or as a [standalone PDF](http://outofcopyright.eu/research/Generic%20European%20flowchart.pdf).

### Australia: pending.

* Work is being undertaken by Tom Koltai starting at [Copyright AU](http://kovtr.com/wordpress/?page_id=360)
* Work is being undertaken by Giuseppe Contissa at the [European University Institute](http://www.eui.eu)

### Austria

* The flowchart has been developed by the Institute of Information Law ([IViR](http://www.ivir.nl)) and [Kennisland](http://www.kennisland.nl). It be downloaded at the [following address](http://www.outofcopyright.eu/media.html)

### Belgium

* The flowchart has been developed by the Institute of Information Law ([IViR](http://www.ivir.nl)) and [Kennisland](http://www.kennisland.nl). It can be downloaded at the [following address](http://www.outofcopyright.eu/media.html)

### Brazil: pending.

* Work is co-ordinated by Carlos Affonso, CTS/FGV.

### Bulgaria

* The flowchart has been developed by the Institute of Information Law ([IViR](http://www.ivir.nl)) and [Kennisland](http://www.kennisland.nl). It can be downloaded at the [following address](http://www.outofcopyright.eu/media.html)

### Canada

* Work has been undertaken by Access Copyright (The Canadian Copyright Licensing Agency), Creative Commons Canada, Creative Commons Corp. and the Wikimedia Foundation. See [this announcement](http://creativecommons.ca/blog/?p=245) for more details. Also, this fits under the [CC PDwiki project](http://creativecommons.org/projects/pdwiki). Check out the [most recent version of the flowchart](http://blog.kaplan-myrth.ca/updates-to-the-canadian-copyri) (v.6) as of December 16, 2008.

### Chile: in progress.

* Work is being undertaken by [Derechos Digitales](http://www.derechosdigitales.org/) under the coordination of Alberto Cerda.

### Colombia: in progress.

* Work is being undertaken by [Fundación Karisma](http://www.karisma.org.co/), under the coordination of Carolina Botero, Creative Commons Colombia

### Cyprus

* The flowchart has been developed by Europeana and can be downloaded at the [following address](http://www.outofcopyright.eu/media.html)

### Czech Republic

* The flowchart has been developed by the Institute of Information Law ([IViR](http://www.ivir.nl)) and [Kennisland](http://www.kennisland.nl). It can be downloaded at the [following address](http://www.outofcopyright.eu/media.html)

### Denmark

* The flowchart has been developed by the Institute of Information Law ([IViR](http://www.ivir.nl)) and [Kennisland](http://www.kennisland.nl). It can be downloaded at the [following address](http://www.outofcopyright.eu/media.html)

### Estonia

* The flowchart has been developed by the Institute of Information Law ([IViR](http://www.ivir.nl)) and [Kennisland](http://www.kennisland.nl). It can be downloaded at the [following address](http://www.outofcopyright.eu/media.html)

### Finland

* The flowchart has been developed by the Institute of Information Law ([IViR](http://www.ivir.nl)) and [Kennisland](http://www.kennisland.nl). It can be downloaded at the [following address](http://www.outofcopyright.eu/media.html)

### France

* The flowchart has been developed by the Institute of Information Law ([IViR](http://www.ivir.nl)) and [Kennisland](http://www.kennisland.nl). It can be downloaded at the [following address](http://www.outofcopyright.eu/media.html)

### Germany

* The flowchart has been developed by the Institute of Information Law ([IViR](http://www.ivir.nl)) and [Kennisland](http://www.kennisland.nl). It can be downloaded at the [following address](http://www.outofcopyright.eu/media.html)

### Greece

* The flowchart has been developed by the Institute of Information Law ([IViR](http://www.ivir.nl)) and [Kennisland](http://www.kennisland.nl). It can be downloaded at the [following address](http://www.outofcopyright.eu/media.html)

### Guatemala: in progress (due in september).

* Work is undertaken by [Creative Commons Guatemala](http://gt.creativecommons.org/index.php/Portada) and [LvM Library](http://biblioteca.ufm.edu/) for Guatemala and other Central American countries, co-ordinated by Renata Avila and Dr. Grete Pasch with the collaboration of Michelle Carrera.

### India

* Work has been undertaken by Jonathan Keller, at CREDOF. The flowchart can be downloaded at the [following address](https://publicdomain.okfn.org/files/2011/06/India.jpg) and the explanation regarding the flowcharts can be downloaded [here](https://publicdomain.okfn.org/files/2011/06/India.odt).

### Ireland

* The flowchart has been developed by the Institute of Information Law ([IViR](http://www.ivir.nl)) and [Kennisland](http://www.kennisland.nl). It can be downloaded at the [following address](http://www.outofcopyright.eu/media.html)

### Italy

* The flowchart has been developed by the Institute of Information Law ([IViR](http://www.ivir.nl)) and [Kennisland](http://www.kennisland.nl). It can be downloaded at the [following address](http://www.outofcopyright.eu/media.html)

### Israel: pending.
* [Niva Elkin-Koren](http://weblaw.haifa.ac.il/en/Faculty/ElkinKoren/Pages/default.aspx) at the [Haifa Center for Law and Technology, Haifa University](http://weblaw.haifa.ac.il/en/research/researchcenters/techlaw/pages/aboutus.aspx) is leading an Israeli PD calculator project.

### Kenya: pending.
* Work is being undertaken by Samuel Kongere.

### Latvia

* The flowchart has been developed by the Institute of Information Law ([IViR](http://www.ivir.nl)) and [Kennisland](http://www.kennisland.nl). It can be downloaded at the [following address](http://www.outofcopyright.eu/media.html)

### Lithuania

* The flowchart has been developed by the Institute of Information Law ([IViR](http://www.ivir.nl)) and [Kennisland](http://www.kennisland.nl). It can be downloaded at the [following address](http://www.outofcopyright.eu/media.html)

### Luxembourg

* The flowchart has been developed by the Institute of Information Law ([IViR](http://www.ivir.nl)) and [Kennisland](http://www.kennisland.nl). It can be downloaded at the [following address](http://www.outofcopyright.eu/media.html)

### Malta

* The flowchart has been developed by the Institute of Information Law ([IViR](http://www.ivir.nl)) and [Kennisland](http://www.kennisland.nl). It can be downloaded at the [following address](http://www.outofcopyright.eu/media.html)

### Netherlands

* The flowchart has been developed by the Institute of Information Law ([IViR](http://www.ivir.nl)) and [Kennisland](http://www.kennisland.nl). It can be downloaded at the [following address](http://www.outofcopyright.eu/media.html)

* Find the IViR diagram [here](http://www.archive.org/details/public_domain_calculators) available as [PDF](http://ia341320.us.archive.org/1/items/public_domain_calculators/091111nl_copyright.pdf), [ZIP of SVG](http://ia341320.us.archive.org/1/items/public_domain_calculators/091115nl_copyright.svg.zip), or [EPS](http://ia341320.us.archive.org/1/items/public_domain_calculators/091115nl_copyright.eps)

### Norway

* The flowchart has been developed by the Institute of Information Law ([IViR](http://www.ivir.nl)) and [Kennisland](http://www.kennisland.nl). It can be downloaded at the [following address](http://www.outofcopyright.eu/media.html)

* A separate flowchart has been produced by [Gisle Hannemyr](http://hannemyr.com/) at the [University of Oslo](http://www.uio.no/) and [Creative Commons Norway](http://creativecommons.org/international/no/).
* Check out the [Copyright term note and flowchart for Norway](http://www.creativecommons.no/cache/pd_no.pdf)

### Philippines: pending.

* Work is undertaken by [Philippine Commons](http://www.philippinecommons.org/) and the [Arellano University School of Law](http://www.arellanolaw.net/). Law Professor [Berne Guerrero](http://berneguerrero.co-ph.com/) and Law Professor [Jimmy Soriano](http://soriano-ph.com|Jimmy Soriano) will lead the work.

### Poland

* The flowchart has been developed by the Institute of Information Law ([IViR](http://www.ivir.nl)) and [Kennisland](http://www.kennisland.nl). It can be downloaded at the [following address](http://www.outofcopyright.eu/media.html)

### Portugal

* The flowchart has been developed by the Institute of Information Law ([IViR](http://www.ivir.nl)) and [Kennisland](http://www.kennisland.nl). It can be downloaded at the [following address](http://www.outofcopyright.eu/media.html)

### Romania

* The flowchart has been developed by the Institute of Information Law ([IViR](http://www.ivir.nl)) and [Kennisland](http://www.kennisland.nl). It can be downloaded at the [following address](http://www.outofcopyright.eu/media.html)

### Slovakia

* The flowchart has been developed by the Institute of Information Law ([IViR](http://www.ivir.nl)) and [Kennisland](http://www.kennisland.nl). It can be downloaded at the [following address](http://www.outofcopyright.eu/media.html)

### Slovenia

* The flowchart has been developed by the Institute of Information Law ([IViR](http://www.ivir.nl)) and [Kennisland](http://www.kennisland.nl). It can be downloaded at the [following address](http://www.outofcopyright.eu/media.html)

### Spain

* The flowchart has been developed by the Institute of Information Law ([IViR](http://www.ivir.nl)) and [Kennisland](http://www.kennisland.nl). It be downloaded at the [following address](http://www.outofcopyright.eu/media.html)

* A separate flowchart has been produced by Ignasi Labastida i Juan, [Air Jordan 23](http://nicetick.com) and the [Oficina de Difusió del Coneixement de la Universitat de Barcelona](http://www.bib.ub.edu/serveis/odc/). Check out the [full Flowchart for Spain](http://ia600304.us.archive.org/1/items/PublicDomainFlowchartForSpain/pd_flowchart_spain.jpg), as well as the [simplified version](http://ia600706.us.archive.org/20/items/PublicDomainSimpleFlowchartForSpain/PD_CC_simple_eng.png) and the [working version](http://ia700700.us.archive.org/5/items/PublicDomainWorkflowForSpain/PD_CC_work_eng.png) as of March 2010.

### Sweden

* The flowchart has been developed by the Institute of Information Law ([IViR](http://www.ivir.nl)) and [Kennisland](http://www.kennisland.nl). It can be downloaded at the [following address](http://www.outofcopyright.eu/media.html)

### Switzerland

* The flowchart has been developed by the Institute of Information Law ([IViR](http://www.ivir.nl)) and [Kennisland](http://www.kennisland.nl). It can be downloaded at the [following address](http://www.outofcopyright.eu/media.html)

### United Kingdom

* The Open Knowledge Foundation has produced a calculator for the UK.
* See the [diagram](http://www.archive.org/details/public_domain_calculators) available in [PDF](http://ia341320.us.archive.org/1/items/public_domain_calculators/091111uk_copyright.pdf), [ZIP](http://ia341320.us.archive.org/1/items/public_domain_calculators/091111uk_copyright_flippy.zip), and [Raid 5 Data Recovery](http://www.securedatarecovery.com/raid-5-data-recovery.html)

* Another flowchart has been developed by the Institute of Information Law ([IViR](http://www.ivir.nl)) and [Kennisland](http://www.kennisland.nl). It can be downloaded at the [following address](http://www.outofcopyright.eu/media.html)

### United States

* Work is undertaken by Elizabeth Townsend-Gard and Team at Tulane University.
* Work is undertaken by Creative Commons and the Open Library under the [PDWiki](http://creativecommons.org/projects/pdwiki) project.
* Existing work:
* [Peter Hirtle’s comprehensive chart at Cornell](http://copyright.cornell.edu/resources/publicdomain.cfm)
* [Public Domain Sherpa](http://www.publicdomainsherpa.com/calculator.html)
* [Paper Copyright Slider](http://www.wo.ala.org/districtdispatch/?p=421) from the American Library Association.
* Interested in contributing:
* Hung V. Tran, Department of Computer Science – The University of Iowa

2 responses to “Flowcharts”

  1. Scott Alexander says:

    The link to Peter Hirtle’s comprehensive chart at Cornell is broken

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